Thursday, October 4, 2007




These are acts or attempted acts such as to jeopardize the safely of civil aviation and air transport ,i.e.
v Unlawful seizure of aircraft in flight,
v Unlawful seizure of aircraft on the ground.
v Hostage-taking on board aircraft or on aerodromes.
v Forcible intrusion on board an aircraft, at an airport or on the premises of an aeronautical facility.
v Introduction on board an aircraft or at an airport of a weapon or hazardous device or material intended for criminal purposes.
v Communication of false information such as to jeopardize the safety of an aircraft in flight or on the ground, of passengers, crew, ground personnel or the general public, at an airport or on the premises of a civil aviation facility.

ii) AIR SIDE :-
The movement area of an airport adjacent terrain and buildings or portions thereof access to which is controlled.

iii) APRON:-
A defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or maintenance.

Baggage of passengers subject to transfer from the aircraft of one operator to the aircraft of another operator in the course of the passenger’s journey.

A state of alert put in place by competent authorities to activate an intervention plan intended to counter the possible consequences arising from a communicated threat, anonymous or otherwise or arising from the discovery of a suspect devices or other suspect item on an aircraft, at an airport or in any civil aviation facilities.

A communicated threat, anonymous or otherwise, which suggests, or infers, whether true or false that the safety of an aircraft in flight or on the ground, or any airport or civil aviation facility or any person may be in danger from an explosive or other item or device.

That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxing of aircraft, consisting of the maneuvering area and the apron(s)

Articles or substances which are capable of posing a risk to health, safety, property or the environment and which are shown in the list of dangerous goods in the Technical instructions or which are classified according to those Instructions.

An act or omission, intended to cause malicious or wanton destruction of property, endangering or resulting in unlawful interference with international civil aviation and its facilities.

A combination of measures and human and material resources intended to safeguard civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference.

xi) CHECK-IN:-
The process of reporting to an aircraft operator for acceptance on a particular flight.

That area between any passenger inspection or screening control point and aircraft into which access is strictly controlled.(Also known as Security restricted area)

Passengers /baggage making direct connections between two different flights.

Passengers departing from an airport on the same flight as that on which they arrived.

An aircraft shall be deemed to be in flight at anytime from the moment when all its external doors are closed following embarkation until the moment when any such door is opened for disembarkation, and in the case of a forced landing, the flight shall be deemed to continue until the competent authorities of the country in which such forced landing takes place take over the responsibility for the aircraft and for persons and property on board.

Whoever on board an aircraft in flight, unlawfully, by force or threat of force or by any other form of intimidation, seizes or exercises control of that aircraft, commits the offence of hijacking of such aircraft.

Do’s And Don’t For Moving About An Airport By Foot Or Vehicle

v Know the ICAO definitions
v Know the boundaries between airside and landside;
v Know the location of all airport buildings, services and aircraft operating areas;
v Maintain radio contact with the airport ground operations control (or ATC) when moving in the vicinity of taxiways and runways;
v Use vehicles hazard lights;
v Observe airport speed limits and comply with movement rules; and
v Follow prescribed vehicle routes;
v Do not stand, walk, move, park or drive close to an aircraft when the red revolving light on top and below the aircraft is lit (shows that engines are running or that start up, push-back or towing is about to take place).
v Do not park any vehicle in a dangerous location .
v Do not assume that it is safe to cross a taxiway or runway because it appears to be clear.
v Do not disobey ground control (or ATC) movement instructions.
v Do not cross a runway unless you have received clearance from ground control or ATC tower.


i) Section 5A- (1) Power to issue directions: DGCA or any other officer specially empowered in this behalf by the Central Govt. may, from time to tome, by order, issue directions, consistent with the provisions of this Act and Rules made there under, with respect to any of the matters specified in clauses (b), (c), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (m) of sub-section (2) of Section 5, to any person(s) engaged in aircraft operations or using any aerodrome, in any case where the Director General of Civil Aviation or such other officer is satisfied that in the interests of security of India or for securing the safety of aircraft operations it is necessary so to do.
(2) Every direction issued under sub-section (1) shall be complied with by the person(s) to whom such direction is issued.

ii) Section 10-Penalty for act in contravention of rule made under this act:
Who give false information about carriage of arms, explosive and dangerous goods shall be punishable with imprisonment, which may extend to 2 years and shall also be liable to fine.
iii) Section 11A. Penalty for failure to comply with directions issued under section 5A. – If any person willfully fails to comply with any direction issued under section 5A, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or {with fine which may extend to ten lakh rupees}, or with both.


Rule –8A :- Security check of persons boarding aircraft at aerodrome :-
For the purpose of securing the safety of aircraft operation, every person boarding an aircraft at an aerodrome and his hand baggage, if any, shall be liable to be searched at the aerodrome, by an officer authorized in this behalf by the Central Govt, before such person proceeds to aircraft for embarkation.

Rule –13:- Photographs at Aerodromes or from Aircraft in flight:- No person shall take, or cause or permit to be taken, at a Government aerodrome or from an aircraft in flight, any photograph except in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of a permission in writing granted by the Director-General a Deputy Director-General, the Director of Regulations and Information or a Controller of Aerodromes of the Civil Aviation Department:
Provided that the Director-General from time to time, may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct that these restrictions shall not apply to photography at any Government aerodrome, or within such limits of any Government aerodrome as may be specified in the order.

Rule –13A :- Carriage of Photographic apparatus in Aircraft:-
(1) No camera or other apparatus for recording photographic impressions shall be carried in any aircraft except where,-
(a) the permission for taking photographs from the air has been granted by any of the officers empowered under rule 13; or
(b) the carriage of a camera or such other apparatus by any person in the aircraft is permitted by general or special order in writing by the Director-General, a Deputy Director-General or the Director of Regulations and information of the Civil Aviation Department, subject to such conditions and limitations as may be specified in that order.
(2) Any customs officer, any aerodrome officer and any other person specially authorized in this behalf by the Director-General may search any aircraft or any person therein and may, without prejudice to any other remedy, seal any camera or other apparatus for recording photographic impressions, or a bag containing cameras or such apparatus which in his opinion is being or is about to be carried in the aircraft in contravention of sub-rule (1), and no person shall tamper with any such seal until the camera or apparatus or bag is removed from the aircraft.

Rule –24. Prohibition on consumption of intoxicating and psychoactive substances.-
(1) No person acting as, or carried in aircraft for the purpose of acting as pilot, commander, navigator, engineer, cabin crew or other operating member of the crew thereof, shall have taken or used any alcoholic drink, sedative, narcotic or stimulant drug or preparation within twelve hours of the commencement of the flight or take or use any such preparation in the course of the flight, and no such person shall, while so acting or carried, be in a state of intoxication or have detectable blood alcohol whatsoever in his breath, urine or blood alcohol analysis or in a state in which by reason of his having taken any alcoholic, sedative, narcotic or stimulant drug or preparation, his capacity so to act is impaired, and no other person while in a state of intoxication shall enter or be in aircraft.
(2) No operator operating a domestic air transport service in India shall serve any alcoholic drink on board such an air transport service and no passenger traveling on such a service shall consume any alcoholic drink while on board.
(3) The holders of licenses shall not exercise the privileges of their licences and related ratings while under the influence of any psychoactive substance which might render them unable to safely and properly exercise the privileges of the licenses and ratings.
(4) The holders of licences shall not engage in problematic use of substances.

Rule – 24A. Carriage of person suffering from mental disorder or epilepsy in aircraft :
No person shall knowingly carry or permit to be carried or connive at the carriage of, a person suffering from any mental disorder or epilepsy in any aircraft.
Provided that this prohibition shall not apply if the person to be carried is certified by registered medical practitioner to be fit to travel by air without being a risk to other passengers or to the aircraft, and in addition,-
(a) has not taken or used any alcoholic drink or preparation within twelve hours of the commencement of the flight;
(b) is kept under proper sedative, if in a state of excitement, during the flight and stops en route; and
(c) is accompanied by an attendant, provided that in case he has been in a state of excitement requiring sedation within the two weeks preceding the date of commencement of the flight, he shall be accompanied by a registered medical practitioner and adequate escort who shall individually and collectively be responsible for ensuring that no alcoholic drink or preparation is taken by the person in their charge and that such person is kept suitably sedated during the flight and stops en route.

Rule 24 B. Carriage of prisoners in aircraft:-
No prisoner shall be taken aboard or carried on an aircraft except under and in accordance with a permit in writing issued by the Director General, the Dy. Director General, the Director of Regulations and Information or any other officer of the Civil Aviation Department authorized by the Central Govt. in this behalf and subject to such conditions, if any, as he may specify in the permit.

Explanation: the term “prisoner” means a person who is confined in any prison and includes a person who is arrested under any law for the time being in force.

Rule 24 C. Carriage of animals, birds and reptiles in aircraft:-
No animal, bird or reptile shall be taken aboard or carried on any aircraft to, from and within India, except under and in accordance with a general or special permit in writing issued by the Director-General in this behalf, and subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified therein.

Rule 85. Public Aerodrome :-
Every aerodrome which is licensed for public use or which is open to public use by aircraft registered in India upon payment of charges shall to the same extent and upon the same conditions, be open to use by aircraft possessing the nationality of any other contracting State. Every such aerodrome shall be open to use by any aircraft in the service of the Central Government.

Rule 90. Entry into public aerodromes:-
(1) No person shall enter or be in the terminal building of any Government aerodrome or public aerodrome or part of such building or any other area in such- aerodrome notified in this behalf by the Central Government unless he holds an admission ticket issued by the aerodrome operator or an entry pass issued by the Commissioner of Security (Civil Aviation) or any other officer authorized by him in this behalf.
(2) No person, without permission in writing, by general or special order, of the Central Government or any officer authorized by that Government in this behalf, shall-
(a) enter or remain or cause any other person to enter or remain in the Movement area;
(b) leave or throw or cause to be thrown any animal, bird or property or object of any nature whatsoever in the Movement area;
(c) permit any animal under his possession or control or otherwise to stray in the Movement area; and
(d) operate any vehicle in the Movement area.
(3) Sub-rules (1) and (2) shall not apply to-
(a) any passenger embarking, disembarking or in transit who holds an air ticket; or
(b) any person who is engaged on regular duty at an aerodrome and holds a Photo Identity Card issued by the Commissioner of Security (Civil Aviation) or any other officer authorized by the Central Government in this behalf.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, the officer in-charge of an aerodrome or any other officer authorized by the Central Government in this behalf, as the case may be, may, if he is satisfied that it is necessary or expedient so to do for the maintenance of proper order or decorum-
(i) refuse admission to any person into the terminal building or the Movement area; or
(ii) require any person in such building or such area to leave the same.

Rule 91. Prohibition of slaughtering and flying of animals, depositing of rubbish and other polluted or obnoxious matter in the vicinity of aerodrome:- No person shall slaughter or flay any animal or deposit or drop any rubbish, filth, garbage or any other polluted or obnoxious matter including such material from hotels, meat shops, fish shops and bone-processing mills which attracts or is likely to attract vultures or other birds and animals within a radius of 10 km from the aerodrome reference point.
Provided that the Director-General or Joint Director General of Civil Aviation or Deputy Director General of Civil Aviation, as the case may be, may, if he is satisfied that proper and adequate arrangements have been made by the owners of hotels, meat shops, fish shops and bone processing mills so as to prevent place of slaughter from the aerodrome, arrangements for disposal or deposit of carcass, rubbish and other polluted and obnoxious matter, grant permission in writing for the purpose.


A – Categories of people requiring legitimate access
i) Airport employee
ii) Airline and agency employee
iii) Employee of airport organization
iv) Central/State government representative
v) Diplomatic representative
vi) Visitors
vii) Emergency Services

B - Photo Identification Permits/ Permanent Permits

i) ORANGE :- For those persons whose duty warrants them to visit all area of Civil Airports in India.
ii) ORANGE –C :- For Crew Members Of Indian registered Airlines whose duty warrants them to visit all area of Civil airports In India.
iii) PURPLE :- For persons whose duty warrants them to visit all area of a specific airport.
iv) NAVY BLUE :- For persons whose duty warrants them to visit all area of a specific airport except security hold area.
v) WHITE : - For persons whose duty warrants them to visit the operational area only in a specific airport, excluding SHA and terminal building.
vi) LIGHT BROWN :- For persons whose duty warrant them to visit the arrival and departure hall of specific airport.
vii) LIGHT GREEN:- These commercial AEP’S may be issued to persons whose duty warrants them to visit one specific airport for passenger facilitation up to check-In area of departure side and upto visitor area of arrival side.
viii) TRANSFERABLE PASSES (BROWN IN COLOUR) :- These passes will not have the photo graphs of the holder and would be valid for a maximum period of 03 years, this will be valid will the identity card of the holder, issued by the organization Concerned or valid will AAI escort.

C- Honorable member of Parliament are entitled to gain entry to the departure & Arrival area of Civil airport in the country on the authority of their valid identity card issued by parliament secretariat.

D- TEMPORARY PASSES :- Issued for the short duration by the BCAS and Air port manager for one time entry and holder can access upto the area mentioned in the passes.

E- VISITOR PASSES :- Issued for the one time entry upto visitor segregation in departure and arrival side.

F- TOKEN :- To deployment of casual laborers of contractors for various works in the operation area of specified airport.

G- A Passenger Can Access In Terminal Building With Valid Ticket, Boarding Card & E-ticketing: -

For examining personal permits check the following:-
v Photograph on the permit match with holder.
v Name of the holder and organization are correct.
v Area of validity is correct.
v Period of validity is correct.

Exemption from Pre-Embarkation Security checks at civil Airports.
In supersession of this Bureau Circular no.32/2005 dated 10.08.2005, it has been decided that the following VVIPs / VIPs are exempted from pre-embarkation security checks at all civil airports in the country.

1. President
2. Vice – President
3. Prime Minster
4. Former President
5. Speaker of Lok Sabha
6. Chief Justice of India
7. Judges of Supreme court
8. Leader of opposition in lok sabha & Rajya sabha
9. Union Minister of cabinet Rank
10. Dy. Chairman Rajya sabaha and Dy. Speaker Lok sabha
11. Governor of stat
12. Chief minister of states
13. Chief Justice of high court
14. Lt. Governor of union territories
15. Chief Minister of Union territories
16. Dy. Chief Minister of States
17. Dy. Chief Minister of U/T
18. Ambassador of Foreign Countries, Charge D. Affairs and High Commissioners and their spouses
19. Cabinet Secretary
20. Visiting foreign dignitaries of the same status as SL No. 01 to 03,05,06,09,&11 above
21. His Holiness the Dalai Lama
22. SPG Protectees
23. Shri Robert vadara, While traveling with SPG Protectees

It is reiterated that except the categories specified above, all other categories of passengers, traveling by air through the civilian airports in the country, are to be subjected to pre-embarkation security checks without making any exception in any particular case.